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You can reach out to Etihad Credit Bureau for any questions regarding your foreign credit report by calling 800 Bureau (800 287-328) or by booking an appointment online. If you would like to dispute information contained in your foreign credit report, you can reach out to Nova Credit at  

In rare cases, a technical error or a bureau outage may occur during the credit check. If you see this message, try submitting your request again at a later time. 

Nova Credit might not be able to access your foreign credit report or verify your identity for many reasons, including: 

  1. No credit report in your previous country. 

  1. Insufficient credit history to produce a full credit report. 

  1. Personal information not entered correctly (e.g., name, date of birth, foreign address, foreign ID number). 

  1. Verification questions not answered correctly. 

Your Nova Credit report gets used as one of many inputs to your credit application. By attaching your foreign credit history to your application, you provide an additional data source that can bolster your application. It is up to your lender to decide how they want to use your foreign credit report data. 

If you have data in your Foreign Credit Report that is inaccurate, please contact Nova Credit to dispute and investigate these details as soon as possible. Inaccurate information may negatively affect your credit and indicate fraudulent activity. If you have questions about any details listed within your credit report, you can reach out to Nova Credit at  

You'll receive an email from Nova Credit with instructions on downloading the report. Please download the report within 72 hours of receiving the email. If you miss the 72-hour window, you can use the link provided in your email to ask for an updated link. You can also reach out to Nova Credit directly to request a new link at   

Nova Credit’s service relies on your express consent to share your international credit history, meaning your Nova Credit can only share your credit history at the time of your application with a lender in the UAE that is subscribed to Etihad Credit Bureau. Use of Nova Credit’s service does not permanently transfer your international credit history to the UAE. 

Your foreign credit check with Nova Credit is separate from any inquiry into your credit history in the UAE.  If you search for your foreign credit history with Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, or Nigeria, it will result in a ‘hard’ pull, which may impact your credit score in that country. 

Etihad Credit Bureau has ensured that we can compliantly deliver foreign credit data into the UAE, powered by Nova Credit, and that Nova Credit is secure and compliant. Nova Credit adheres to strict industry-standard information and security protocols. Nova Credit undergoes annual independent audits against the SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO 27001 standards, and both certifications are in good standing.  

Nova Credit has partnered with Etihad Credit Bureau and credit bureaus around the world to help expats in the UAE apply for products and services using their international credit history. This service is only available to lenders who have subscribed to Etihad Credit Bureau’s Foreign Credit Report product.